Diversity and Equality Networks and EARA groups
The focus for the network meetings will be ‘diversifying the curriculum and environment’. The EARA meetings will provide an opportunity for the children to take a lead in promoting Rights and Equality through pupil voice and contribute pro-actively to promoting a more inclusive culture in their schools.
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Assessment across the wider curriculum
This is a course to support the development of effective assessment within the Foundation subjects.
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Excellent Teacher Programme
Using UPR teachers to develop high quality teacher pedagogy through a peer review program.
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Transforming SEND Module One
Facilitated sessions to support school leaders to access and review the online SEN modules
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Meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths at the end of KS2 for children at SEN support – CPD for LSAs
The course is targeted at LSAs in Year 5 or 6 in primaries and juniors with a more significant number of children at SEN support, with the aim of supporting the children at SEN support to get as close to the ARE standard as possible by the end of the year.
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Y6 data project
Support schools with improving outcomes at the EOKS2 through the forensic use of data and the rapid identification of those children at risk of not ‘keeping up’ and not meeting the expected standard at the end of Year 6
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Parent Engagement Project
Increasing numbers of complaints across the LA would indicate that parent engagement could be more effective in schools. The cutting of external services means that there is a greater need for schools to work more collaboratively with schools.
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New to Subject leadership
Understand the importance of having clarity of end points for the subject. How to sequence the curriculum, Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the curriculum. How to measure impact, improving outcomes for pupils. Role of assessment.
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HT Mentor Training
To ensure consistent and effective support for HTs new to their posts, provided by experienced HTs who feel well supported by the LA and through a collaborative approach with other HT mentors
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Strategic SENCOs
Supporting your SENCo with a strategic understanding of their role and how to impact whole school needs. The aim is also to provide a support network, and the time and space to consider strategic priorities.
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DHT Network - Basingstoke and Deane
To enable schools to work together, to share best practice and problem solve
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Year 6 data Follow up course
Recap the learning from the previous course and consider how provision is going to be adapted for the current Year 6.
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Exec HT Network
This network is designed to facilitate conversation, problem solving and develop closer networking relationships for those working in Federations. The sessions will be tailored to the group.
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Demonstrating Curriculum Impact –Collaborative Curriculum Development
This course will equip you and your subject leaders with articulating the effective monitoring and impact on your subject developments within the wider curriculum.
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