Topic outline

  • Basingstoke and Deane district course list 2024-25


    • Excellent Teacher Program

      We are looking to support our strongest teachers in developing the teaching skills of others

      Teachers will be taught to use a research approach to analyse their own practice and support development in colleagues. In this programme, teachers will work together through peer observation to create a rich description of the lesson providing evidence for collaborative analysis. They will benefit from the revelation of viewing lessons through a new lens, leading to a deeper understanding of learning within the classroom.

      It is expected that headteachers will agree to release their trained teachers to support the development of teaching both within their own school and potentially more widely.

      Programme aims:

      • Develop a deeper understanding of teaching and learning and how to strengthen teaching in and beyond your own school
      • Develop an understanding of a structured peer observation model including the application of tools to improve classroom practice
      • Empower you to unpick and analyse your practice in a different way, through non-judgemental(?) observation, rich description and professional dialogue

      Selection of teachers

      Teachers who participate in this programme will need to:

      • Be consistently demonstrating High Quality Inclusive Teaching (HQIT)
      • Aimed at, but not necessarily restricted to, UPR teachers
      • Have good interpersonal skills
      • Be open to reading current research, using a research methodology and prepared to use their skills to develop practice

      Time commitment and cost

      • Pre-reading of professional research articles
      • Launch event and training – one morning
      • 2x peer observations in pairs; one alongside a primary phase inspector (dates to be mutually agreed and post observation discussion and a second observation and post observation discussion with their partner)
      • Final session, evaluation of research lesson experience, using your expertise to develop practice in other schools – one afternoon

      1 day management partnership = 2 days face to face time + reading

      Led by: Catherine Redgrave, Sarah Peters and Chris Brooks- Martin

      Venue: School based


      26 September 2024

      20 November 2024

      Costs: 1 MP day

      To book your place, please complete the Excellent Teacher Program 2024/25 - booking form by Monday 2 December

      • Meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths at the end of KS2 for children at SEN support – CPD for LSAs

        The course is targeted at LSAs in Year 5 or 6 in primaries and juniors with a more significant number of children at SEN support, with the aim of supporting the children at SEN support to get as close to the ARE standard as possible by the end of the year.


        Maths Planning effective Year 6 Interventions to enable Close to / SEN Support pupils to meet the expected standard:

        • Identifying key fluency skills to boost arithmetic scores.
        • Identifying strategies to support pupils to tackle the test papers methodically.
        • Exploring how to implement the ‘I do, we do, you do’ strategy and ensuring pupils show a good level of understanding through sufficient independent practice.
        • Constructing intelligent practice questions which enable pupils to identify mathematical structures and practice the thinking process.

        English Reading   Planning effective Year 6 Reading Interventions to enable Close to / SEN Support pupils to meet the expected standard:

        • Understand the importance of reading fluency
        • Explore key approaches to teaching fluency
        • Introducing a structured intervention
        • Evaluation of impact and next steps


        Briefing for SENCo at start for programme to ensure understanding and enable support throughout the programme.

        Led by: English/Maths team

        Venue: School based


        • English Session 1 – 11th October 2024, 9.15am -12pm
        • Maths Session 1 -11th November 2024 (afternoon)
        • English Session 2 –6th December 2025, 9.15am – 12pm
        • Maths Session 2 - 3rd February 2025 (afternoon)
        • English Session 3 - 14th of March 2025, 9.15am – 12pm

        Costs: 0.5 MP day

        To book your place, Please complete the Meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths at the end of KS2 for children at SEN support – CPD for LSAs - booking form. 

        • Y6 data project


          • Support schools with improving outcomes at the EOKS2 through the forensic use of data and the rapid identification of those children at risk of not ‘keeping up’ and not meeting the expected standard at the end of Year 6
          • Support teachers with their understanding of the required standard by the EOKS2 so that they can best prepare children at each stage of their learning
          • Provide opportunities for colleagues to network, identifying common areas of difficulty and misconception, and sharing good practice
          • Identify and explore common areas of misconception within Year 6, identifying and filling gaps in English and mathematics
          • Equip teachers with the tools they need to best identify areas of strength/concern across the school, e.g. making best use of Question Level Analysis data
          • Explore a wide range of pedagogical approaches to meeting the needs of the more academically vulnerable children.


          The project is open to a limited number of schools, meaning that a more personalised, hands-on and bespoke approach will be possible.  There is no limit on the number of staff who can attend each session from any school signing up to the course. 

          Led by: Ed Dawson and Alison Rhodes

          Venue: School based


          10/09/24 (am)

          24/10/24 (am)

          26/11/24 (am)

          10/01/25 (am)

          06/02/25 (am)

          10/03/25 (am)

          01/05/25 (am)

          11/07/25 (am)


          Costing: 2 days MP, spread across two financial years

          To book your place, please complete the District Assessment Courses - Year 6 Data 2024 2025 booking form

          • Assessment across the wider curriculum


            This is a course to support the development of effective assessment within the Foundation subjects.


            Develop assessment leaders, subject leaders and teachers understanding of how assessment underpins the curriculum.

            • Development of activities to support summative and formative assessment in the wider curriculum.
            • Development of how assessment is. used to support retrieval practise and children developing their long-term memory.

            The programme:

            • There will be initial sessions for the headteachers and assessment leaders to discuss principles of effective assessment and how these can be used practically to support assessment and its impact for Foundation subjects.
            • These sessions will be followed up with a twilight session for all staff who lead a subject so the principles can be put into practise.
            • Will enable headteachers and assessment leaders to work on expectations of assessment initially so developments can be used in the staff twilight’s where subject leaders can put into practise developments for an upcoming unit of work.
            • A final session will enable schools to share the impact of the developments made.

            Led by: Simon Mitchell Inness and Emma Cooper

            Venue: Mixture of School based and virtual twilights


            Session 1 – 10 September 9-12, twilight 23rd September

            Session 2 -  21st Jan 1.15pm – 4.00pm, twilight 5th February

            Session 3 –  22nd April 9am-12am, twilight 14th May

            Session 4 – 10 June 9am – 12am

            Costing: 1 days MP, spread across two financial years

            To book your place, please complete the Effective assessment in the wider curriculum 2024-25 booking form

            • Parent Engagement Project


              Increasing numbers of complaints across the LA would indicate that parent engagement could be more effective in schools. The cutting of external services means that there is a greater need for schools to work more collaboratively with schools.

              • Provide opportunities for colleagues to network, identify common areas of difficulty and challenge, and share good practice across a range of themes.
              • Support schools with identifying barriers for parental engagement, including for specific groups of parents (with input from EMTAS and the Virtual School).
              • Explore the role of parent governors – how can we maximise this? (With input from Governor Services).
              • Develop an understanding of how attachment difficulties can impact on parenting (led by the EP service).
              • Provide an opportunity to explore and discuss case studies: what have schools done differently to successfully engage parents?
              • Provide an opportunity for schools to undertake individualised action research and to learn from each other.

              Led by: Alison Rhodes and Lindsay McCarthy

              Venue: TBC


              Session One: 4 October 2024, 1pm - 4pm

              Session Two: 29 November 2024, 1pm - 4pm

              Session Three: 24 January 2025, 1pm - 4pm

              Session Four: 21 March 2025, 1pm - 4pm

              Session Five: 20 June 2025, 1pm - 4pm

              Costs: 0.5 MP day

              To book your place, please complete the Parent Engagement Project - booking form.

              • New to Subject leadership


                Understand the importance of having clarity of end points for the subject. How to sequence the curriculum, Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the curriculum. How to measure impact, improving outcomes for pupils. Role of assessment.

                Led by: Kila Barber

                Venue: School based


                29 April 2024

                23 May 2024

                11 June 2024

                25 September 2024

                4 November 2024

                5 December 2024

                Costs: 1 MP day for 2 staff per school

                To book your place, please complete the New to Subject leadership 2024/25 - booking form.

                • HT Mentor Training

                  To ensure consistent and effective support for HTs new to their posts, provided by experienced HTs who feel well supported by the LA and through a collaborative approach with other HT mentors.

                  Led by: Alison Rhodes

                  Venue: School based/virtual

                  Dates and costs: 

                  13 September 2024 - Free to attend

                   6 December 2024 - Invite only

                  To book your place, please complete the HT Mentoring training - booking form.

                  • Strategic SENCOs

                    Supporting your SENCo with a strategic understanding of their role and how to impact whole school needs. The aim is also to provide a support network, and the time and space to consider strategic priorities.

                    This multi-session course aims to provide SENCos, both those new to the role and those looking to develop their current practice. The sessions will cover a wider range of areas, in order to prompt thinking and discussion, as well as application to their individual schools.

                    The aims of the programme are to:

                    • provide SENCos with support and training in the area of strategic thinking, particularly around the wider aspects of the senior leadership elements of the role
                    • problem-solve with colleagues and a member of HIAS
                    • share best practice
                    • explore aspects of the Ofsted framework and related expectations of the SENCo role
                    • interpret and consider their school’s data for pupils with SEN and action plan for further success
                    • challenge the status quo within their own settings and evidence how practice for pupils with additional needs are integrated through the school’s culture, ethos, policy and practice
                    • work in collaboration to affect school improvement in a spirit of critical honesty and support.

                    Programme Outline
                    Five sessions across the autumn and spring terms. In addition to the above face-to-face sessions there will then be the opportunity to book in a bespoke half-day visit to your school in the summer term.

                    Led by: Nicky Rickman

                    Venue: School based

                    Provisional dates:

                    Session 1: Tuesday 15 October2024 , am

                    Session 2: Tuesday 12 November 2024, pm (only afternoon session)

                    Session 3: Thursday 9 January 2025, am

                    Session 4: Thursday 27 March 2025, am

                    Session 5: tbc


                    1.0 Management Partnership (0.5 MP for attendance at the face-to-face sessions, 0.5 MP for the bespoke school visit, attendees do not have to take up both offers).

                    To book your place, please complete Developing the Strategic Role of the SENCo - 2024-25 - booking form.

                    • DHT Network - Basingstoke and Deane

                      • To enable schools to work together, to share best practice and problem solve
                      • To support the development of deputy headteachers
                      • To increase the potential group of new headteachers.

                      Led bySarah Peters

                      Venue: School based - TBC







                      Costing: 0.5 MP per school for 5 sessions

                      To book your place, please complete the DHT Network - Basingstoke and Deane - booking form.

                      • Exec HT Network

                        This network is designed to facilitate conversation, problem solving and develop closer networking relationships for those working in Federations. The sessions will be tailored to the group.

                        Led by: Chris Brookes-Martin

                        Venue: School based - TBC


                        Wednesday 16 October 2024

                        Wednesday 27 November 2024

                        Wednesday 29 January 2025

                        Thursday 13 March 2025

                        Wednesday 7 May 2025

                        Wednesday 2 July 2025

                        Costs: TBC

                        To book your place, please complete the Exec HT Network - booking form

                        • Diversity and Equality Networks and EARA groups

                          The focus for the network meetings will be ‘diversifying the curriculum and environment’ which will include an opportunity to review new resources, consider planning exemplars and good practice, and will provide an opportunity to share existing practice with colleagues.

                          The EARA meetings (Equality And Rights Advocates – pupil groups) will provide an opportunity for the children to take a lead in promoting Rights and Equality through pupil voice and contribute pro-actively to promoting a more inclusive culture in their schools.


                          Led by: Minnie Moore

                          Venue: host schools within the district


                          Network EARA



                          Cost: 0.5 days MP

                          To book your place, please complete the Diversity and Equality Networks and EARA groups - booking form.

                          • Year 6 data Follow up course

                            • Recap the learning from the previous course and consider how provision is going to be adapted for the current Year 6 - What did we learn last time and what did you change? What has been the impact of this?
                            • To plan how the implications of the Year 6 course can be disseminated through the rest of the school.
                            • Sustaining the impact of what has been achieved in year one of the project for example: what if the Year 6 member of staff has changed – how do you minimize the impact of the change, who is your constant and how do you manage these changes?
                            • Analyse where you are as a school. What are your strengths? Opportunities? Weaknesses? Threats?
                            • Use cross-school assessment effectively.
                            • Ensure that pupil progress meetings have impact.
                            • Ensure you have effective practice of the key areas of English and mathematics.  
                            • Ensure that professional development opportunities have impact.

                            Led by: Ed Dawson and Alison Rhodes

                            Venue: School based, tbc

                            Date: (Will also include Fareham and Gosport delegates)

                            16 September 2024

                            8 November 2024

                            31 January 2025

                            2 July 2025

                            May be two sessions per day depending on numbers 

                            Cost: 1 day MP spread across 2 financial years

                            To book your place, please complete the Data Project 2023-24 – follow-up booking form.

                            • Transforming SEND Module One


                              This is a course to support schools who wish to start using the T-SEND materials, or who would like a refresher.

                              This session will enable leaders and SENCos to investigate how to use the Transforming SEND (TSEND) resources ( SEN Moodle: All projects (  to improve the provision and outcomes for pupils with complex needs in mainstream school.

                              It will enable school leaders to:

                              • Get up and running with Module One and the T-SEND site:
                              • Upskill staff
                              • Enable the integration of therapeutic and specialist support within an educational culture of inclusion
                              • Use common terms of reference across professions
                              • Enhance the universal educational provision for all, whilst maximising the potential of learners with complex needs
                              • Provide SEND CPD to all staff by understanding better the specific barriers faced by our pupils, and by increasing teachers’ skills and knowledge in overcoming these, inclusive practices will be strengthened across your school.

                              Led by: Tim Walters

                              Venue: Virtual

                              Date: Monday 17 September 3pm-4.30pm

                              Costing: Free

                              To book your place, please complete the Transforming SEND Module One - booking form

                              • Demonstrating Curriculum Impact – Collaborative Curriculum Development

                                Areas of focus include:

                                • Re-evaluating your Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
                                • Making effective use of your monitoring to drive school improvement
                                • Identifying when to lead and when to manage
                                • Coaching and developing others in the leadership of change
                                • Rich curriculum conversations – what do you believe in?
                                • How can Governor's support and challenge your curriculum
                                • Developing a subject leader toolkit.

                                Outline structure:

                                This course will equip you and your subject leaders with articulating the effective monitoring and impact on your subject developments within the wider curriculum.

                                • Creating an effective monitoring schedule
                                • Effective monitoring documentation to evidence your impact
                                • How to use subject leadership time effectively
                                • How to coach in having difficult conversations.

                                Presented by: Chris Brooks-Martin and Stuart Adlam

                                Venue: Centre based


                                23 April 2024 am

                                24 May 2024 am

                                19 June pm

                                8 July 2024 am

                                27 September 2024 am

                                Costing: 1 day MP per school with up to 2 delegates attending

                                To book your place, please complete the Demonstrating Curriculum Impact – Collaborative Curriculum Development​ - booking form.