Topic outline

  • East Hants district course list 2024-2025

    East Hants district course list 2024-2025

    • Work Discussion Groups for Headteachers

      Regular meetings with two EPs and your peers to focus on school leadership and wellbeing. 

      The role of the headteacher can be a lonely one with complex issues to resolve. These groups give space to the issues keeping you awake at night, whether it’s staffing, community, or classroom factors. They can also help you have opportunities to reflect and consider your identity as a leader in your unique context. The psychologists facilitate the group and bring problem solving techniques and psychological theory to support thinking.

      I value the trust in the group and a safe space to discuss things of real concern.

      To book or if you have questions please email Dr Rebecca Murphy:

      Cost: Meetings are half-termly. Cost £360 per annum.

      • Pathways to Outstanding for Senior Leaders and Governors

        Focus on securing outstanding practice across aspects of participating schools’ work. 

        This is a school-based programme for senior leaders and school governors to share best practice, discuss with and learn from others and further develop their own outstanding practice.

        • Provides opportunities for senior leaders and governors to visit a range of schools with high-quality practice.
        • Senior leaders and governors from the host school share their context and an aspect of practice that is having a significant impact on learning and leadership
        • Opportunity to look around the school and ask questions of the hosts
        • Time to reflect on own practice in school and possible steps forward
        • ‘Think piece’ session for senior leaders and governors led by Primary Phase Inspector and Hampshire Governor Service
        • Reading / research / e-learning for preparation / completion / discussion at the next session

        Schools can bring up to 3 senior leaders and 2 governors to each session.

        Led by: Chris Brook-Martin

        Location: Host Schools

        Dates: 6 morning sessions across the academic year.

        Cost: The cost per school for the whole programme

        1 day of LA inspector time payable from each school’s management partnership fund to attend all the session and 3.5 hours (approximately £300) per school of Governor Services time payable to Governor Services from each school’s budget.

        There will be no charge for governors whose schools subscribe to Hampshire Governor Services

        • Inclusive Schools, Inclusive Leaders


          Audience: H&EH Headteachers

          At each virtual session, you will be introduced to professionals and materials that support your work as inclusive leaders leading inclusive schools.

          All sessions provide professional input, some are training focused, others lend themselves to working in virtual discussion groups that allow colleagues to explore issues and share practice.

          You will be invited by Laura Longmore. Every session is designed to support you in your role. No need to accept or decline the invite – come to as many as you can!

          Led by: Caroline WIlksons

          Format: Half-termly sessions, virtual 1.30 – 3.00 p.m.


          Autumn term: 17 September and  26 November 2024

          Spring term: 21 January and 4 March 2025

          Summer term: 29 April and 10 June 2025

          Cost: No charge, funded by the LA

          • Leadership Reading Group


            Audience: H&EH Headteachers

            Each half term we chose a new text, often a book or key piece of reading.

            The session allows discussion about the content, a review of linked information e.g. media about authors and content.  We also explore how we might use the content as leaders in our schools, where applicable.

            There is a ppt provided for each session to summarise the text that can be used by leaders with their SLT and/or staff teams.

            Join at any time! You will be welcome!

            Contact: Caroline Wilkins

            Format: Half-termly sessions, virtual 1.00 – 3.00 p.m.


            Autumn term: 25 September 2024 and 13th November 2024

            Spring term: 15 January 2025 and 12th March 2025

            Summer term: 21 May 2025 and 9th July 2025


            2.5 hours management partnership for all

            6 x 2-hour afternoon sessions over the year

            book cover images to be added. 

            • Headteacher Mentor Training


              Audience: H&EH Headteachers

              • To ensure consistent and effective support for HTs new to their posts, provided by experienced HTs
              • To ensure mentors feel well supported by the LA
              • To secure a collaborative approach with other HT mentors

              Contact: Alison Rhodes

              Format: 5 virtual training and supervision sessions across the autumn and spring terms. Sessions are up to 2 hours on Teams.

              Dates: tbc with the group

              Cost: no cost to schools, LA funded
              • Developing an Irresistible Curriculum


                Audience: H&EH Headteachers and senior leaders responsible for the curriculum

                This programme is for headteachers and other senior leaders to work together. We will draw on research on what makes really effective curriculum design, share examples of different schools’ curriculum journeys from Hampshire and beyond to help shape our thinking. 

                Developing an irresistible curriculum is suitable for schools at all stages of curriculum development. Curriculum is always a ‘work in progress’.

                The course will include:

                • Vision and Values- the heart of everything. What is our WHY? 
                • Time to take stock - where are we now - where do we want to be? How do we get there? 
                • Key principles of curriculum design - what are they and why do we need to consider them? 
                • Exploring how we plan for an interconnected curriculum so that we don’t get bogged down by too much subject content?
                • Opportunities for planning and assessment (including EYFS and mixed-age classes and SEND) 
                • Guest speakers to share their experiences of curriculum design and development in their settings. 

                Contact: Debbie Allen

                Format: 6 x half-day sessions

                Dates: tbc with group

                Cost: 1 day management partnership per school, 2 places per school

                • Head of Schools Network


                  Audience: Head of Schools (Federations)

                  • These sessions will be facilitated by a Primary Phase Inspector.  Heads of Schools from across Fareham, Gosport, Havant and East Hants will shape the sessions to meet current need. Opportunities to share practice will be included in all sessions and current research reviewed through discussion.
                  • Host federation schools will take turns to share an aspect of practice that is having impact in their context
                  • Sessions will contact an element of professional development tailored to priorities requested by the group
                  • Sessions will include research and effective practice
                  • Delegates will have a reading ‘think piece’ to discuss at the sessions

                  Contact: Cherry Chope

                  Format: Termly sessions will consist of a half day meeting taking place in schools.

                  Cost: Total cost per school for the whole programme will depend on number of schools but will be no more than 0.5 day of LA inspector time payable from each school’s management partnership fund to attend all the sessions

                  • East Hants Deputy Headteacher Network


                    Audience: For deputy headteachers/ assistant headteachers to develop strategic skills to support school improvement.

                    Aims of the programme are to:

                    • support deputy headteachers/ assistant headteachers to develop strategic thinking skills and strategies to support school improvement
                    • share what good, effective practice looks like
                    • provide a platform for solution focused problem solving
                    • challenge, motivate and inspire

                    Contact: Jo Allen Headteacher Queens Inclosure Primary School 

                    Format: Half-termly sessions will consist of a two-hour meeting taking place in schools

                    • green Audience: For deputy headteachers/ assistant headteachers to develop strategic skills to support school improvement. Aims of the programme are to: support deputy hea

                      • Havant and East Hants Year 6 Data Project


                        Supporting Year 6 to improved outcomes at the EOKS2

                        The aims of the project are to:

                        • Support schools with improving combined data outcomes at the EOKS2 through the forensic use of data and the rapid identification of those children at risk of not ‘keeping up’ and not meeting the expected standard at the end of Year 6
                        • Support teachers with their understanding of the required standard by the EOKS2 so that they can best prepare children at each stage of their learning
                        • Provide opportunities for colleagues to network, identifying common areas of difficulty and misconception, and sharing good practice
                        • Identify and explore common areas of misconception within Year 6, identifying and filling gaps in English and mathematics
                        • Equip teachers with the tools they need to best identify areas of strength/concern across the school, e.g. making best use of Question Level Analysis data
                        • Explore leadership approaches that can be used effectively beyond year 6 to raise standards across the school

                        Led by: Alison Rhodes and Ed Dawson

                        Format: 8 half-day sessions will run in the afternoons from 1.30pm – 4.30pm, (except session 7 which will be a morning session).  


                        9 September 2024, 23 October 2024

                        22 November 2024, 6 January 2025

                        5 February 2025, 14 March 2025

                        30 April 2025, 10 July 2025

                        Cost:  2 days MP, spread across two financial years

                        • Developing a Teaching and Learning Coach in your school


                          Audience: Teachers who have skills and capacity to be whole school teaching and learning coaches

                          Have you got a teacher who has:

                          *excellent classroom practice?

                          *a sound understanding of pedagogy?

                          *credibility within the school?

                          *an ability to communicate and forge good relationships with other teachers?

                          *good organisational skills?

                          *the ability to give ‘difficult’ messages when required?

                          Do you want to:

                          *build future coaching capacity in your school?

                          *develop a leader of teaching and learning?

                          Led by: Sarah Sedgwick

                          Format: Four half day school based sessions

                          Spring 2 2025

                          Dates: tbc with schools

                          Cost: 1.5 days management partnership per school, maximum of two teachers per school

                          • Bespoke Teaching And Learning Support for individual teachers


                            Audience: Teachers who would benefit from bespoke teaching and learning support

                            The HIAS teaching and learning team support a range of schools to improve standards of teaching and learning.

                            Key specialisms:

                            • Securing rapid improvement in the quality of teaching and learning with teachers and a range of senior and middle leaders
                            • Working alongside by observing, identifying and demonstrating excellent classroom practice with a range of teachers in their classrooms
                            • Coaching teaching and learning leaders to improve capacity in schools

                            Led by: Sarah Sedgwick

                            Format: Face-to-face training, 1:1 with individual teachers and bespoke to meet needs of individual schools and school budgets.

                            Support with planning, delivery to  meet the needs of all pupil groups, shared review of lessons, joint teaching, feedback, bespoke next steps.

                            Dates: tbc with schools directly

                            Cost: tbc according to number of days required, paid through management partnership

                            • Evaluating and developing the effectiveness of the culture for safeguarding in your school


                              Audience: The course takes place in your school and can be booked for the headteacher, DSL and anybody who has an identified role in safeguarding (deputy DSLs, safeguarding governors)

                              Aim of the course: 

                              This one-day session provides professional development for headteachers, DSLs and safeguarding governors as well as an in-depth evaluation of the culture for safeguarding in your school.

                              • What do we mean by an ‘effective culture for safeguarding’?
                              • How do we achieve this in practice?
                              • How do we efficiently and effectively monitor safeguarding in a primary school setting?
                              • How effective is your safeguarding culture?

                              Working together over the course of a day, I will take you through the process of evaluating every key aspect of safeguarding and child protection policy and practice, identifying strengths and areas for improvement, and supporting the development of a safeguarding development strategy.

                              Key areas explored together during the day include:

                              • Site security, health and safety,
                              • Recording, reporting and follow-up of concerns
                              • Staff behaviour, safer-recruitment and induction
                              • Pupil behaviour and bullying - Do children ‘feel safe’?
                              • Attendance and absence
                              • Training, understanding and KCSiE
                              • The curriculum and the extent to which it teaches children to keep themselves and others safe
                              • Monitoring and filtering, the school website and information in school
                              • Monitoring, oversight and the role of the FGB

                              Led by: Jason Matthews

                              Dates: tbc with schools directly

                              Cost: 1 day management partnership

                              • Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging District Partnership Offer 2024-25

                                Audience: Staff leading DIB work in schools

                                The focus for the network meetings will be ‘diversifying the curriculum and environment’ which will include an opportunity to review new resources, consider planning exemplars and good practice, and will provide an opportunity to share existing practice with colleagues.

                                The EARA meetings will provide an opportunity for the children to take a lead in promoting Rights and Equality through pupil voice and contribute pro-actively to promoting a more inclusive culture in their schools.
                                --------------add table

                                Led by: Minnie Moore 

                                Format: One network meeting and one Equality and Rights Advocates (EARA) meeting per term for each of the districts engaged in the partnerships.

                                Autumn term 2024 – Network meeting + EARA meeting

                                Spring term 2025 – Network meeting + EARA meeting

                                Summer term 2025 – Network meeting + EARA meeting

                                Location: The networks and EARA meetings will take place in host schools across the district.

                                Time: Network meetings – 14.00-16.00 EARA meetings – 09.30-11.30

                                Cost: The charge to schools will be 0.5-day HIAS rates per school for the academic year 2024-25 and will require a minimum of 10 schools to be viable.

                                • Leading more than one school

                                  Audience: Executive headteachers, and Heads of Schools and Deputy Headteachers.

                                  These sessions have been redesigned in recognition of the broader strategic leadership challenges which are specific to leaders of federated schools. 

                                  The sessions aim to facilitate conversation and deepen the networking between Executive Headteachers and Heads of School / Deputy headteachers from Havant and East Hants.  

                                  The first session will focus on networking, understanding each other’s context and identifying similar successes and challenges. The outcome will shape the content of the following sessions to meet your current needs in addition to the foci already planned in light of last year’s Head of School meetings.

                                  Led by: Cherry Chope, HIAS Primary Phase Inspector/Advisor

                                  Date, time and location: 

                                  7 November 2024

                                  13.30 - 16.30

                                  Location: TBC

                                  Session One: Networking and creating a shared understanding of the joint challenges and how each federation is unique

                                  8 January2025

                                  9:00 - 12:00

                                  Location: TBC

                                  Session Two: Joint working focus to be confirmed following session one.

                                  27 February 2025

                                  13.30 - 16.30

                                  Location: Haven Nursery Inclusion for all

                                  Session Three: Inclusion for all, getting it right from the start: The Headteacher from Haven Maintained Nursery will share their philosophy for inclusion and how this looks across the setting for the youngest children. We will reflect on the key characteristics of the provision and consider what lessons we can be learnt for our own schools. ​

                                  1 May 2025

                                  1:30 - 4:30

                                  Location: TBC

                                  Session Four: Joint working focus to be confirmed following session one.

                                  12 June 2025

                                  13.30 - 16.30 

                                  Location: Mill Hill Primary School:

                                  Session Five: Supporting our most disadvantaged pupils to improve attendance and access full time learning: A presentation from the Headteacher regarding the breadth of strategies used to promote attendance, reduce suspensions and reduced hour provision so that pupils can feel connected and experience success.​

                                  Cost: 1.0 days MP for all five sessions

                                  To book your place on this project, please contact Nikki Palmer

                                  Click here to down load the course flyer.