Havant District Offer
If the course you are interested in is closed, please contact school.improvement@hants.gov.uk and include the course name in the title.
Work Discussion Groups for Headteachers Regular meetings with two Education Psychologists and your peers to focus on school leadership and wellbeing. |
Bespoke Teaching and Learning Support for individual teachers Teachers who would benefit from bespoke teaching and learning support. |
Inclusive Schools, Inclusive Leaders Support your work as inclusive leaders leading inclusive schools. |
The session allows discussion about the content, a review of linked information. |
Effective support for headteachers new to their posts, provided by experienced headteachers. |
Evaluating and developing the effectiveness of the culture for safeguarding in your school Professional development for headteachers, DSLs and safeguarding governors as well as an in depth evaluation of the culture for safeguarding. |
These sessions have been redesigned in recognition of the broader strategic leadership challenges which are specific to leaders of federated schools. |
Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging District Partnership Offer 2024-25 Review new resources, consider planning exemplars and good practice, and will provide an opportunity to share existing practice. |
The Havant and East Hants Big District Inclusion Project 2024-2025 : 9 offers |
Developing a Teaching and Learning Coach in your school For teachers who have skills and capacity to be whole school teaching and learning coaches. |
Developing an irresistible curriculum This programme is for headteachers and other senior leaders to work together. |
A one day course designed for those new to headship, those who want a refresher and those who have yet to experience an inspection. The course promotes an understanding of the process and includes opportunities to consider and prepare for an inspection including what to expect from the phone call through to the publishing of the report. |
Pathways to outstanding for Senior Leaders and Governors Teachers who would benefit from bespoke teaching and learning support. More Information Booking is now closed |
Every step of the way: the inclusive classroom Supporting SENDCos, senior leaders and teachers to evaluate the impact of the use of feedback in their early years classrooms and identify how to strengthen provision further in light of new learning. More Information Booking is now closed |
Havant and East Hants Year 6 Data Project Supporting Year 6 to improved outcomes at the EOKS2. More Information Booking is now closed |
Disadvantaged pupils KS2 attainment This project aims to support schools in delivering their pupil premium strategy for 2025, with the goal of improving Key Stage 2 attainment for disadvantaged pupils. More Information Booking is now closed |