Topic outline

  • Developing an effective SLT

    Suitable for executive headteachers, headteachers and senior leaders to attend as a team.

    This course is for schools with newly established senior leadership teams or schools that wish to review or refresh their leadership approaches.

    The aim is to develop effective, sustainable leadership teams in your school and to build team reflection and the implementation of effective strategies that develop distributed leadership and alignment to drive school improvement.

    Intended impact

    • To increase the effectiveness and impact of senior leadership teams.
    • To improve senior leadership team’s self-awareness to build efficacy.
    • To build a range of strategies to develop teams and teamwork.
    • To develop an improvement culture.
    • To increase understanding of the dynamics of effective teams; identifying team strengths and dysfunctions, planning strategies to address them.


    The course will be delivered face-to face and will include practical resources and opportunities for discussion and collaboration as appropriate.

    Led by: Jane Wilson


    8 October 2024           13:30 - 16:00

    18 November 2024     13:30 - 16:00

    27 January 2025         13:30 - 16:00

    18 March 2025            13:30 - 16:00

    29 April 2025               13:30 - 16:00

    16 June 2025              13:30 - 16:00

    Cost: 0.5MP day for 6 sessions

    To book your place, please complete the Developing an effective SLT booking form.

    • Developing leaders of teaching and learning

      Have you got a teacher who has:

      • excellent classroom practice?
      • a sound understanding of pedagogy?
      • credibility within the school?
      • an ability to communicate and forge good relationships with other teachers?
      • good organisational skills?
      • the ability to give ‘difficult’ messages when required?


      Do you want to:

      • build future coaching capacity in your school?
      • develop a leader of teaching and learning?


      This programme will enable your best teachers to support others, build coaching capacity and become champions of teaching and learning

      The course will include:

      • How to identify effective teaching and learning in lessons
      • Barriers to learning and ways to support other teachers
      • The coaching process and pitfalls
      • How to give feedback and ‘difficult’ conversations
      • Ways to sustain improvement
      • Giving feedback to outside agencies
      • Future action plans

      The building of local ‘networks’ of like-minded teachers.

      Led by: Sarah Sedgwick

      Dates: (venue TBC)

      Monday 25 November 2024      09:00 - 12:00       

      Tuesday 7 January 2025            13:30 - 16:00

      Wednesday 29 January 2025    13:30 - 16:00         

      Wednesday 5 March 2025          09:00 - 12:00

      Cost: 0.5 MP day per school for 4 sessions (two teachers maximum per school)

      To book your place, please complete the Developing leaders of teaching and learning booking form.

      • Developing leaders of behaviour (HIAS and PBS)

        The aim of this training is to develop behaviour leads within our schools, who will be responsible for developing an effective whole- school approach to behaviour and who will have a strategic oversight of behaviour- related policies and procedures and their impact. School leaders will need to determine the most appropriate member of staff to attend this offer.

        Drawing on research and examples of good practice from schools and external agencies, we will examine the principles of positive behaviour management, developing the culture to create positive behaviour management and strategies to implement this.

        The course will be delivered face-to face and will include practical resources and opportunities for discussion and collaboration as appropriate.

        Led by: Sian Smith (HIAS) and Matt Gaston (PBS).


        23 September 2024              (1.30 - 4.00)

        8 October 2024                     (9.15 - 12.45)

        21 January 2025                   (1.30 - 4.00)

        3 March 2025                       (9.15 - 12.45)

        17 March 2025                     (9.15 - 12.45)


        Cost: 0.5MP day for 6 sessions

        To book your place, please complete the Developing leaders of behaviour (HIAS and PBS) booking form.

        • Developing an irresistible curriculum

          This programme is for headteachers and other senior leaders to work together, to ensure that your school’s curriculum offer is just right for every one of your learners. We will draw on research on what makes really effective curriculum design, share examples of different schools’ curriculum journeys from Hampshire and beyond to help shape our thinking.

          Developing an irresistible curriculum is suitable for schools at all stages of curriculum development. Curriculum is always a ‘work in progress’.

          The course will include:

          • opportunities for senior leaders to collaborate in and across different primary settings
          • what do we mean by curriculum? What are the aims of the National curriculum? How does this fit with what our children need?
          • what about our vision and values?
          • time to take stock - where are we now - where do we want to be? How do we get there?
          • the key principles of curriculum design - what are they and why do we need to consider them?
          • how do we plan for an interconnected curriculum so that we don’t get bogged down by too much subject content?
          • auditing our curriculum purpose
          • planning and assessment (including EYFS and mixed-age classes and SEND)
          • monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum
          • assessment
          • how do we make our curriculum truly ‘irresistible’?
          • guest speakers to share their experiences of curriculum design and development in their settings.

          Led by: Debbie Allen

          Dates: TBC

          Cost: 1 day MP total (0.5 day MP to be charged in 2024 financial year and 0.5 day MP to be charged in 2025/2026 financial year)

          To book your place, please complete the Developing an irresistible curriculum booking form.

          • Securing improved attendance

            3 sessions intended to support leaders in ensuring that there is effective leadership for high attendance in schools, including develop their practice for individual children. Aimed at alls schools but particularly those that wish to target improved attendance.

            Led by: Simon Mitchell-Innes and Sian Smith 

            Session One:      25 September 2024   1-3.30pm     Venue TBC

            • Roles and responsibilities – including governors
            • Vision, expectations and communication
            • Tier 1 intervention for all
            • Clear and consistently applied systems
            • Data – monitoring and analysis
            • Red Flags


            Session Two:       09 December  2024     1-3.30pm    Venue TBC

            • Have you created an ethos and culture for all children to want to come to school?
            • Understanding your context, meaningful participation – Early intervention Tier 2
            • Pupil voice and control
            • Mental health and anxiety
            • Communication – layers and understanding, working with parents


            Session Three:     03 March 2025   1-3.30pm     Venue TBC

            Tier 3 interventions:

            • for those at risk of persistent absence
            • or those with persistent absence
            • Action Planning


            Cost: 0.5MP day for 6 sessions

            To book your place, please complete the Securing improved attendance booking form.

            • Building confidence for SENCOS in improving classroom practice

              The aim of this course is to empower SEND leaders to improve classroom practice, in turn leading to better student outcomes and the cultivation of a more inclusive and supportive school culture.  

              By participating in this course, SENCOs will gain the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to foster inclusive learning environments and improve classroom provision

              There will be numerous benefits across the school, including enhanced expertise in SEND provision, better collaboration between SENCOs across Hampshire and improved expertise amongst teaching staff

              The training course is designed to address the specific needs and context of each educational setting, providing SENCOs with practical tools and strategies that can be immediately applied to their practice. 

              Led by: Simon Mitchell-Innes and Frances Akinde


              23 October 2023 (am)          Understanding your role and effective assessment

              10 December 2023 (am)       Promoting a Child-centred support

              25 January 2025                   Evaluating expectations and provision

              12 March 2025 (am)             Effective Observation and feedback 

              20 May 2025 (am)                Strategic support and strategic  thinking – with HTs

              Cost: free to attend

              To book your place, please complete the Building confidence for SENCOS in improving classroom practice booking form.

              • Developing High Quality Maths Teaching and Provision

                For teachers and maths leaders.


                • To develop teacher’s use of assessment for learning to inform planning and the curriculum
                • To develop effective practice that ensures good progress, addresses gaps and deepens understanding of the progression of maths learning and skills.
                • To explore pedagogical research that supports effective learning.
                • To develop teacher subject knowledge and understanding of progression alongside strategic planning.
                • To explore lesson structures to support effective variation that meets the needs of all children

                A series of six face to face training sessions with a Leadership and Learning Partner (LLP) and mathematics advisor, hosted in participating school. Attendance of two teachers at each session.

                Led by: Jane Wilson


                16 September 2024             PPI and Maths advisor 

                TBC - November                     Maths advisor

                14 January 2025                  PPI and Maths advisor

                TBC - March 2025                  Maths advisor

                TBC - May 2025                     Maths advisor

                23 June 2025                       PPI and Maths advisor

                Cost: 0.5MP day for 6 sessions

                To book your place, please complete the Developing High Quality Maths Teaching and Provision booking form.

                • Developing Expert Writers in Year 3 and 4

                  A programme for Year 3 and 4 teachers and English leaders. A series of six face to face training sessions with a Leadership and Learning Partner (LLP) and English adviser, hosted in participating schools.

                  Attendance of the Year 3 and 4 teachers and the English leader at each session is required.


                  • The development of effective practice that ensures good progress, addresses gaps and deepens understanding to form a strong start to Key Stage 2.
                  • A focus on developing teacher subject knowledge and understanding of progression alongside strategic planning.
                  • A focus on the effective use of moderation in Lower Key Stage 2 to support assessment and responsive planning.
                  • A key emphasis on developing memory through a focus on retrieval and retention strategies.
                  • The collation of a portfolio of evidence of impact.

                  Led by: Jane Wilson

                  Dates: (All sessions will run from 14:30 – 17:00)

                  17 September 2024: LLP and English adviser 

                  9 November 2024: English adviser

                  13 January 2025: LLP and English adviser

                  14 March 2025: English adviser

                  2 May 2025: English adviser

                  1 July 2025: LLP and English adviser


                  Cost: 0.5MP day for 6 sessions

                  To book your place, please complete the Developing Expert Writers in Year 3 and 4 booking form.

                  • Infant Headteacher Network

                    This network has a specific EYFS/KS1 focus and is facilitated by Debbie Allen. Open to all schools in Fareham and Gosport but specifically aimed at Infant schools. Opportunities to work with the Junior Headteacher group to create transition sessions for Y2/3 teachers have been created this year.  Shared problem solving and sharing best practice a feature of all sessions. 

                    Led by: Debbie Allen

                    Dates: TBC

                    Cost: 0.5MP day for 6 sessions

                    To book your place, please complete the Infant Headteacher Network booking form.

                    • Junior Headteacher Network

                      This network has a specific KS2 focus and is facilitated by Debbie Allen. Open to all schools in Fareham and Gosport but specifically aimed at Junior schools. Co-constructed agenda means that the specific focus of the sessions can be determined by the group. Shared problem solving and sharing best practice a feature of all sessions. 

                      Led by: Debbie Allen

                      Dates: TBC

                      Costs: 0.5MP day for 6 sessions

                      To book your place, please complete the Junior Headteacher Network booking form.

                      • Safeguarding Network

                        This network focuses on practical safeguarding and is facilitated by Debbie Allen with input from Sue Savory. Each session focuses on a different aspect of safeguarding such as disguised compliance, effective record keeping and recording of concerns and the SCR. This year, a colleague from social care provided an update about effective IARFs. These sessions are aimed at  senior leaders and are designed to enable effective oversight of safeguarding. These sessions run concurrently in Havant and East Hants which means that attendees can attend either group should dates clash.

                        Led by: Debbie Allen

                        Dates: TBC

                        Cost: 0.5MP day for 6 sessions

                        To book your place, please complete the Safeguarding Network booking form.

                        • Deputy Headteacher Network

                          This network focuses on supporting deputy headteachers and assistant headteachers and is facilitated by Ed Dawson. Each session has a different focus linked to the role of the deputy/assistant headteacher. Some sessions may be hosted by schools outside of the district should there be a specific focus. Opportunities to problem solve are a feature of each session and key areas of focus can be determined by the group. 

                          Led by: Ed Dawson

                          Dates: TBC

                          Cost: 0.5 MP day for 6 sessions

                          To book your place, please complete the Deputy Headteacher Network booking form.