Topic outline

  • Attendance Project

    3 sessions intended to support leaders in ensuring that there is effective leadership for high attendance in schools, including develop their practice for individual children.

    •  Session 1 Leadership and management, systems and data
    • Session 2 Ethos, culture, relationships, mental health and communication
    • Session 3 Effective interventions and action planning 

    Project Lead: Sian Smith and Simon Mitchell-Innes

    Venue: School based TBC


    Session 1 - 22 October 9.00 – 12.00

    Session 2 - 3 October 9.00 - 12.00

    Session 3 - 7 January 9.00 - 12.00

    Cost: Free to attend

    To book your place, please complete the Attendance Project 2024/25: New Forest and Test Valley booking form

    • HT Mentor Training

      Consistent and effective support for HTs new to their posts, provided by experienced HTs who feel well supported by the LA and through a collaborative approach with other HT mentors..

      Project Leads: Sian Smith and Nicky Rickman

      Venue: School based - Venue tbc

      Provisional Dates: 

      24 September 2024   09:15-12:15      

      14. October 2024  09:15-12:15     

      21 January 2025  09:15-12:15   

      Cost: Free to attend

      To book your place, please complete the HT Mentor Training 2024/25: New Forest and Test Valley booking form

      • Leading more than one school

        To support those considering moving into leading more than one school. This will be a mix of networking and support (through monthly on-line sessions) and half termly face-to-face sessions that will include an input of things likely to arise during a period of leading more than one school.

        Project Leads: Nicky Rickman and Julia Roberts

        Venue: School based - Venue tbc

        Dates: TBC

        Cost: 0.5MP days

        To book your place, please complete the Leading more than one school 2024/25: New Forest and Test Valley booking form


        • Assessment across the wider curriculum


          • This is a course to support the development of effective assessment within the Foundation subjects.

          Aims of the training are to:

          • Develop assessment leaders, subject leaders and teachers understanding of how assessment underpins the curriculum.
          • Development of activities to support summative and formative assessment in the wider curriculum.
          • Development of how assessment is. used to support retrieval practise and children developing their long-term memory.

          The programme:

          • There will be initial sessions for the headteachers and assessment leaders to discuss principles of effective assessment and how these can be used practically to support assessment and its impact for Foundation subjects.
          • These sessions will be followed up with a twilight session for all staff who lead a subject so the principles can be put into practise.
          • Will enable headteachers and assessment leaders to work on expectations of assessment initially so developments can be used in the staff twilight’s where subject leaders can put into practise developments for an upcoming unit of work.
          • A final session will enable schools to share the impact of the developments made.

          Project Leads: Simon Mitchell-Innes and Emma Cooper

          Venue: Mixture of School based and virtual twilights


          Session 1: 18 September 2024, 9:00-12:00,  twilight 8 October

          Session 2: 23 January 2025, 13:15-16:00,  twilight 12 February

          Session 3: 24 April 2025, 9:00-12:00, twilight 13 May

          Session 4: 12 June 2025, 9:00 -12:00

          Cost: 0.5MP days

          To book your place, please complete the Assessment across the wider curriculum 2024/25 New Forest and Test Valley booking form

          • Y6 data project

            The main aims of the project are to:

            • Support schools with improving outcomes at the EOKS2 through the forensic use of data and the rapid identification of those children at risk of not ‘keeping up’ and not meeting the expected standard at the end of Year 6
            • Support teachers with their understanding of the required standard by the EOKS2 so that they can best prepare children at each stage of their learning
            • Provide opportunities for colleagues to network, identifying common areas of difficulty and misconception, and sharing good practice
            • Identify and explore common areas of misconception within Year 6, identifying and filling gaps in English and mathematics
            • Equip teachers with the tools they need to best identify areas of strength/concern across the school, e.g. making best use of Question Level Analysis data
            • Explore a wide range of pedagogical approaches to meeting the needs of the more academically vulnerable children.

            The project is open to a limited number of schools, meaning that a more personalised, hands-on and bespoke approach will be possible. There is no limit on the number of staff who can attend each session from any school signing up to the course.

            Project Leads: Ed Dawson and Alison Rhodes

            Venue: School based (please indicated if you are able to host training)


            11 September 2024 (PM) 

            25 October 2024 (PM)

            29 November 2024 (PM) 

            17 January 2025 (PM)

            7 February 2025 (PM)

            14 March 2025 (PM)

            2 May 2025 (PM)

            16 July 2025 (PM)

            Cost: 2MP days, spread across two financial years

            To book your place, please complete the Y6 data project: New Forest and Test Valley -  booking form

            • Building confidence for SENCOS in improving classroom practice

              The aim of this course is to empower SEND leaders to improve classroom practice, in turn leading to better student outcomes and the cultivation of a more inclusive and supportive school culture.  

              By participating in this course, SENCOs will gain the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to foster inclusive learning environments and improve classroom provision. 

              There will be numerous benefits across the school, including enhanced expertise in SEND provision, better collaboration between SENCOs across Hampshire and improved expertise amongst teaching staff

              The training course is designed to address the specific needs and context of each educational setting, providing SENCOs with practical tools and strategies that can be immediately applied to their practice. 

              5 Sessions:

              1. Understanding your role and effective assessment
              2.  Promoting a Child-centred support Evaluating expectations and provision
              3. Effective Observation and feedback 
              4. Strategic support and strategic  thinking

              Project Leads: Simon Mitchell-Innes and Frances Akinde

              Venue: TBC


              • 23 October 2024 (AM)
              • 10 December 2024 (AM)
              • 25 January 2025  (AM)
              • 12 March 2025 (AM)
              • 20 May 2025 (AM)

              Cost: Free to attend

              To book your place, please complete the Building confidence for SENCOS in improving classroom practice: New Forest and Test Valley - booking form

              • Parent Engagement Project

                Improving pupil outcomes through improving parent participation.

                This collaborative project will explore the difficulties that schools face with engaging parents and the challenges that parents may face with engaging with schools.

                Intended For: Senior Leaders, Inclusion Leaders and Parent Support Advisors

                The main aims of the course are to:

                • Provide opportunities for colleagues to network, identify common areas of difficulty and challenge, and share good practice across a range of themes.
                • Effective communication with parents – challenges and solutions – the quick wins
                • Support schools with identifying barriers for parental engagement, including for specific groups of parents.
                • Dealing with difficult parents, when conversations turn into complaints, Input from Governor Services and the Hampshire communications team.
                • An opportunity to explore and discuss case studies: what have schools done differently to successfully engage parents?

                Project Leads: Cherry Chope and Nicky Rickman

                Venue: TBC


                10 March 2025,  9:00-12.30

                29 April 2025, 9:00-12.30

                10 June 2025, 9:00-12.30

                Cost: 0.5MP 

                To book your place, please complete the Building confidence for Parent Engagement Project: New Forest and Test Valley - booking form

                • Five Fundamentals of Effective Classroom Practice

                  Practice Developing High-Quality Inclusive Teaching.

                  A series of 5 half-day training sessions for leaders of teaching and learning and headteachers.

                  1. Conditions For Effective Learning
                  2. Models Of High-Quality Inclusive Practice
                  3. Principles Of Effective Lesson Design
                  4. Coaching And Mentoring
                  5. Building Capacity  And Sustaining Improvement

                  Project Leads: Stuart Adlam, Sarah Sedgwick and Derek Myers

                  Venue: TBC


                  18 September 2024, 13.00-16.00

                  16 October 2024, 13.00-16.00

                  13 November 2024, 13.00-16.00

                  15 January 2025, 13.00-16.00

                  5 March 2025, 13.00-16.00

                  Cost: 1 MP 

                  To book your place, please complete the Five Fundamentals of Effective Classroom Practice: New Forest and Test Valley - booking form

                  • Network - New forest DHT

                    • Develop deputy HTs as leaders                  
                    • Provide deputy HTs with the opportunity to network.                      
                    • Increase the number of potential headteachers. 

                     Areas for focus this year identified by the candidates:

                    • Effective assessment and its impact
                    • Understanding a school budget
                    • Knowledge of the new Ofsted framework and lessons learned
                    • Planning for and having difficult conversations

                    Project Leads: Simon Mitchell-Innes 

                    Venue: TBC


                    09 May 2024, 13:30-16:00

                    09 July 2024, 13:30-16:00

                    16 October 2024, 13:30-16:00

                    19 November 2024, 13:30-16:00

                    5 March 2025, 13:30-16:00

                    Cost: 0.5 MP 

                    To book your place, please complete the Network  -  New Forest DHT booking form

                    • Network - Test Valley DHT

                      • Develop deputy HTs as leaders                                     
                      • Provide deputy HTs with the opportunity to network
                      • Increase the number of potential headteachers

                      Project Leads: Simon Mitchell-Innes 

                      Venue: TBC


                      02 May 2024, 13:30-16:00

                      27 June 2024, 13:30-16:00

                      9 October 2024, 13:30-16:00

                      26 November 2024, 13:30-16:00

                      25 March 2025, 13:30-16:00

                      Cost: 0.5 MP 

                      To book your place, please complete the Network  -  New forest DHT booking form

                      • Reduced Hours Provision

                        2 hour virtual session intended to support Headteacher’s understanding of Reduced Hours Provision:

                        • Legal position – when it shouldn’t be used
                        • DfE and HCC Good practice and controls
                        • How to mitigate the need for Reduced Hours Provision

                        Project Leads: Simon Mitchell-Innes and Inclusion Team 

                        Venue: TBC

                        Dates: 25 September 2024, 9:30-11:30

                        Cost: Free to attend 

                        To book your place, please complete the Reduced Hours Provision: New Forest and Test Valley - booking form

                        • Developing an irresistible Curriculum


                          • This programme is for headteachers and other senior leaders to work together. We will draw on research on what makes really effective curriculum design, share examples of different schools’ curriculum journeys from Hampshire and beyond to help shape our thinking. 
                          • Developing an irresistible curriculum is suitable for schools at all stages of curriculum development. Curriculum is always a ‘work in progress’. 

                          The course will include:

                          • Opportunities for senior leaders to collaborate in and across different primary settings 
                          • Vision and Values- the heart of everything. WHat is our WHY? 
                          • Time to take stock - where are we now - where do we want to be? How do we get there? 
                          • Key principles of curriculum design - what are they and why do we need to consider them? 
                          • Exploring how we plan for an interconnected curriculum so that we don’t get bogged down by too much subject content?
                          • Opportunities for planning and assessment (including EYFS and mixed-age classes and SEND) 
                          • Guest speakers to share their experiences of curriculum design and development in their settings.

                          Project Leads: Debbie Allen and Lindsay McCarthy

                          Venue: TBC

                          Dates: This will take place over 6  half-day sessions over the next academic year. Dates and venues to  be decided. 

                          Cost: 1 MP day over 2 financial years.

                          To book your place, please complete the Developing an irresistible Curriculum: New Forest and Test Valley booking form

                          • Affordable Schools


                            Free of charge sessions open to anyone within your school leadership team who may find them useful, for example headteachers, governors, business managers / senior admin staff. 

                             The sessions aim to provide opportunities to understand the challenges around the current financial landscape, considering options, and myth -busting. 


                            • Session 1 – Focus on national and local financial context including a review of the financial ‘Escalator of Concern’ and practical steps schools can take at each stage.
                            • Session 2 – Focus on HR implications including models of leadership, restructuring and collaborations across schools.
                            • Session 3 – Focus on admissions and strategic planning including restructuring class sizes and associated key considerations

                            Project Leads: Julia Roberts, Nicky Rickman and EFS/EPS/GS

                            Venue: TBC


                            14th November, 9.30-11.30  Virtual Session

                            27 January, 9:30am-12:00 New Forest schools in-person session

                            27 January, 13:30pm-16:00 Test Valley schools in-person session

                            17 March, 9:30pm-12:00 New Forest schools in-person session

                            17 March, 1:30pm-16:00 Test Valley schools in-person session

                            Cost: Free to attend 

                            To book your place, please complete the Affordable Schools: New Forest and Test Valley - booking form

                            • Ofsted - Are you ready

                              Session aim/objective/description

                              • To promote an understanding of the process for current Ofsted Inspections.
                              • Opportunities to consider and prepare for an Ofsted Inspection including what to expect from the phone call through to the publishing of the report.

                               Learning outcomes:  

                              • Leaders will feel confident and prepared for a future inspection.
                              • Leaders will leave with a variety of handouts that will support them through the process and preparation.

                              Project Leads: Louise Close and Chris Brooks-Martin

                              Venue: Anton Junior School

                              Dates:18 October 2024

                              Cost: 0.5MP day

                              To book your place, please complete the Ofsted - Are you ready: New Forest and Test Valley - booking form