Topic outline

  • Roles and Responsibilities

    To help you when assigning roles for the programme this year, here is a quick reminder of the expectations and responsibilities of each. 

    Please note: ECT Coordinators (now called Induction Tutors), ECTs and mentors must be registered with the DfE Manage training for early career teachers service

    Induction Tutor (previously ECT Coordinator)
    Coordinates the ECF programme, is responsible for ensuring ECTs and mentors are registered with the DfE Manage training for early career teachers service, is responsible for assigning mentors to ECTs on the My Ambition portal (Steplab) and oversees Steplab. 

    The Induction Tutor for the Appropriate Body element of induction (termly assessments and formal progress reviews) is a separate role and does not need to be the same person as the Induction Tutor on the ECT Align programme, though absolutely can be. The Appropriate Body Induction Tutor does not need to be registered with the DfE or ECT Align. 

    Attends all training events (conferences, clinic and if appropriate mentor coaching) with Hampshire. Provides weekly instructional coaching cycle, recording action steps on Steplab. Works collaboratively with the ECT and other colleagues to ensure the ECT receives a high-quality ECF based induction programme. 

    IMPORTANT:   Registration and onboarding with Ambition MUST be completed by the Induction Tutor, Mentor and ECT.